Friday, August 30, 2013

My Happy Place

Do you have that place?  that Happy Place?

For me, its the mountains, in my trailer, no cell phone coverage, with my family.  And in just a few short hours, I will be there.  I just love, long holiday weekends....just for this reason!

Last night, packing up the trailer, even though I was tired and wanted to be done, knowing that soon I would be at my favorite place....

Happy, Happy, Happy.

The trailer is small, but I like that.  Of course, I have a few choice items that are my style.

Paul Frank Magnets on the oven hood

Lodge quilt on our bed, making me believe our tiny trailer is a cabin by the lake

And of course, one of my favorites:  a little something I picked up on a trip to beautiful Leavenworth....
Wood sign hanging on the "living room" wall.

Now, time to jump in the car, turn up the tunes, and head for the hills.......

Happy Camping!

with love,
Mommy Tam-Tam

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Its a Big, Big World.....

Today starts the beginning of something new for us....kindergarten.

Dropping him off at school was a bit surreal.  The flashes of phone pics from the "mom-arazzi", finding his desk, taking his 1st day picture, seeing who he is sitting by, seeing friends he knows, making new ones....seeing the tears in some of the mom's eyes as they say goodbye, then stand in the corner to watch and make sure.  Its too much for this momma.

Of course, he handles it like its nothing.  But to me, all I can think of is that this is 'real' school.  There are report cards and home work, will his feelings get hurt or will he hurt someone else's feelings.  Its a big, BIG world out there.   Did I do enough to get him ready?  Five years went by so quick, there is still more to teach him.  

Then I'm reminded of this.....

Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is Strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus love me
Yes, Jesus loves me, 
The Bible tells me so.

He is strong - and he doesn't belong to me, he belongs to HIM.  And while its hard to imagine anyone loving my son more than I do, He loves him more than I ever could..  

So this year, Jarrett...
Learn Lots
Love More
Enjoy yourself
This is your year!


"All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten"
by Robert Fulghum
Most of what I really need

To know about how to live

And what to do and how to be

I learned in kindergarten.

Wisdom was not at the top

Of the graduate school mountain,

But there in the sand pile at Sunday school.

These are the things I learned:

Share everything.
Play fair.

Don't hit people.

Put things back where you found them.

Clean up your own mess.

Don't take things that aren't yours.

Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.

Wash your hands before you eat.


Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.

Live a balanced life

Learn some and think some

And draw and paint and sing and dance

And play and work everyday some.

Take a nap every afternoon.

When you go out into the world,

Watch out for traffic,

Hold hands and stick together.

Be aware of wonder.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Endless Summer...

I'm a girl that loves fall.  The chill in the air, high school football, boots, change of leaves, pumpkin spice latte.  However, this year, the thought of summer ending and the start of fall is a little bittersweet.  After all, this summer has been amazingly fun.  Camps, VBS, activities, swim lessons, new best friends, camping, vacations....just fun!  So looking out the window and seeing the leaves changing and the rain falling brought on feelings of wanting summer to never end.  But I love fall - why is this so hard when it's normally so welcoming?   Then I realized... this particular season change is big in our family.

My baby starts kindergarten.  

Ok, he's not a baby anymore, but kindergarten?  Real school?  This season seemed such a long time out.  How did it get here so fast?

And if you know me and how I can SOMETIMES wallow in reminiscing.....

But I learned something new.

You see, everyone has 2 lives:  the one you are living and the unlived life inside of you. (Thank you Brian Houston for sharing this tonight at Vision Days).

Ill always have summer, but I won't let it keep me from the season God has for me now.  Nothing will keep this unlived life inside of me from seeing its fulfillment.  

So, kindergarten.... Let's do this!

With love, 
Mommy tam-tam

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Such Joy....

As a mom, there is nothing that makes me happier than to see pure JOY in my son.  This summer, I have been blessed enough to see it almost every day.

It makes the time go by fast, when you are having fun.  To me, time passing is bittersweet; I just don't want the moments to end.

Where does the time go?  It is already August and summer is almost over.

This summer has been one of the best, funnest summers we've ever had.  Jarrett has developed a true friendship with 2 little boys.  He's had friends before, but these ones are "knit" in his heart.  And with that, I've seen him grow up just a bit more.  It reminds me of the story in 1 Samuel 20 - David and Jonathan, friends that truly loved each other.

When you have a friend:

  • it makes sharing easier
  • it makes you braver to face new challenges
  • it makes learning fun
  • it turns rainy days into fort building adventures
  • it gets you excited when they have good days
  • and, it helps you remember to pray for them when they are having hard days.

And, in all of that, you grow.  And my baby, toddler, preschooler and now Kindergardener is "big boy" now.  Seeing that transform in just a few short months, this Summer '13, to me is Such Joy!

with love,
Mommy Tam-Tam