Wednesday, February 8, 2012

These Boots are made for Walking....

It's the Season of Love......and while I'm sure you're expecting a great little ditty on the love between man and wife or momma and son.....that will have to wait.

After all, we are talking about shoes here people!

I LOVE these new boots that a good friend of mine just bought for herself.

Yes, she bought them - not a gift - not an occasion.  Just pure "lust of the flesh and the pride of life" type of buy myself some good-looking, traffic stopping boots!

This is not normal for my friend.  Kids and husband always come first.  But tonight, it was her turn!  In her own words,

"Most people think cowgirl boots are for rodeo's, riding and mucking out stalls.  However, cowgirl boots have evolved into a boot with so much more to offer today's woman!  They are a fashion friendly boot that offers comfort, style and durability.  They come in every color, fabric and are weather proof.  I love my boots because I can wear them to work around town, camping, the rodeo and if I do choose to ride.....All in all I love the fact I found a stylish boot, was able to support a local business...and more than anything silenced the critics of what a stereotypical cowgirl looks like."

It's true, she is not your stereotypical cowgirl.  I love that she wears them with her blinged out jeans - not wranglers.  And her handbag is Kate Spade - not Brighton.

So while I may not personally be sporting a new pair of Justins, I do want to sport this "love it so much I'm going big or going home" attitude.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone loved big?  I mean BIG?!?

What is love anyway?

it suffers long
it is kind
does not envy
does not parade itself
is not puffed up
does not behave rudely
does not seek its own
thinks no evil
rejoices in the truth
bears all things
believes all things
hopes all things
endures all things
(adapted from 1 Corinthians 13)

So maybe this is the little "ditty" you've been waiting toward your husband or kids.

How many times do I fail at this kind of love that the Bible teaches me.  I envy my husband for having more freedom to do things when I can't because I have to look after our son.  Or I behave rudely when my feelings get hurt.  Or I seek my own instead..... Or I stop believing....stop hoping...stop enduring.

When I can walk in THIS right kind of love, my marriage is better, my family is better, my job is world is better.  LOVE NEVER FAILS.

Those are some big shoes to fill....

...better go get me some boots!

with love,

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