Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to a Best Buddy

Laiken - The Birthday Boy!
Birthdays are always fun.  They are "really, really fun" as Jarrett would say when its the birthday for your best buddy.  Jarrett's buddy, Laiken turned 4 and had the most wonderful birthday party at the park.  
There was lots of swimming in the kiddie pool with friends.   

Even Laiken's little sister got in on the fun. 

His mommy, Jennifer made an amazing Superhero cake with all of his favorite characters.  All the boys were so excited to shout out who they liked the best.  There were PB&J sandwiches for the kids, turkey croscents for the parents,  cupcakes, presents, and more fun than can be imagined.
Jennifer is an amazing mommy and friend.  I am truely enjoying getting to know this great family more and more! 

Playing on the vintage elephant slide that the city has recently restored was very fun.  There is something so nostalgic about sliding on a metal slide as your legs are burning that every kid should be able to enjoy.
 There was also the rides on the sturgeon.  This thing is huge and Jarrett swears its a shark, but any fish of that size is a shark to a 3 year old.

All in all, it was a great party.   
Thanks Laiken for turning 4!

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