Saturday, November 17, 2012


This week has been a little emotional for me.  It was a week filled with birthdays.

I turned 40. (and that's enough said about that!)
My baby turned 5.

It seems like it was just yesterday when he was born and I was calling him my "baby burrito" as I swaddled him up and kissed his face.

But today, he is no longer baby or even toddler.  He is five.  And that is big.

This morning, instead of me going into his room and singing him "Happy Birthday" to wake him up, I hear him crawling out of bed then coming to my room, "Mom, I'm up!"

I have him cuddle up with me and I sing to him.  "Thanks, Mom" I hear.  In an all too grown up voice.

Sigh - where is my little boy?

We rush in to measure him on his growth chart - bigger by a few inches since last time.

Those few inches are a now just memories of a boy growing from preschooler to 5.


Today was his party.  But first, it was card and presents from mommy and daddy - in our jammies.  Tradition.

I just love this smile as he got a peek of the present and is too excited to open it.

This afternoon was his party.  A cardboard car parade and drive-in theater.

I know this was for the kids, but we had so much fun.  The parents designed the cars and they really did an impressive job.

We loved Jarrett's car.

Pink Cars came.  Silver Cars came.  Cars with backseats came.  Professionally Engineered Cars came.  It was amazing!

Then it was time for the parade.

13 little cardboard cars marched through our neighborhood.  Parents cheered!  Smiles were abundant.  Paparazzi moms filled the street.  It was priceless.

Of course, with any car show, trophies should be won.

Next was lights out, cars were parked and a viewing of "The Gruffalo" ensued.  (If you haven't ever seen this movie, you should.  You won't be disappointed.)  Popcorn and candy were everywhere.  But what's a movie without a theater snack bar.

Cupcakes, birthday songs, and many more things filled our day.

Happy Birthday 5 Year Old.
I'm so proud of the young man you are becoming.
Your humor makes me laugh
Your smiles melt my heart
Your hugs send me to the moon...and back.
I love you, son.
May all your wishes and dreams come true!

(Mommy Tam-Tam)

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