It's cold outside this morning.
....and as is typical, I woke up early - on a holiday - where I could have slept in (at least until I heard the morning cry, "Mom..... MMMMOOOOOOMMMM! I'm UP!!!!").
but I didn't...I woke up early to a chilly morning....
It's only fall, but today it seems like winter. The frost on the roof tops, the fog hanging along the hills....its just plain nippy!
and its beautiful....
I just love how the sun peaks its rosy self out through the fog...
its almost misty
it makes me want coffee....
a full sip on and enjoy in this quiet early morning when everyone is still sleeping.
but there is a problem....
Our incredible stove top barista makes only 1 large mug of coffee - we usually split it and each have a small cup. My husband always gets the coffee ready the night before so in the morning, all we have to do is turn on the stove. If I drink all that I want, then when he wakes up, he'll be without.
Honestly, the thought does come to me that maybe he won't notice or really want any this morning and I should just have it all. (I know that is selfish, but I'm just being honest).
I just can't do it. Over and over all week God has been reminding me of this verse:
One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. - Luke 16:10And I have to ask myself...
am I being faithful with the coffee?
with honoring my husband?
if I can't be trusted with coffee....what can I be trusted with?
I know that in the whole scheme of life...its just coffee. But in the whole scheme of how God looks at my life, its a heart condition. That is what God looks at after all - the heart. Sometimes I wish He wouldn't, because my heart wants to be selfish.
I want the coffee all for myself.
I want my day off for do my my pace....for me.
My day off is really not for me but for me to bless my family in ways that I can't when I have to work. So, while I can take a moment or two for myself, I really need to bless them.
So, how does this end you ask?
I do take the whole cup of coffee, but I make a new pot just for him.
with love,
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