Has it really been since August since I posted last? It is now just 2 days before Christmas and the time has flown. My baby went from baby to toddler in what seems like overnight! He turned 2 in November. TWO! Can you believe it? We celebrated with all the excitment Chuck E. Cheese can muster up and it was so fun.
But the thing that has caught Jarrett's attention more than anything else is Disney on Ice. Mickey, Donald, the Cars and of course Tinkerbell still are talked about daily. Whenever he sees anything that was in that show, the first word out of his mouth is "Ice!" It was amazing as only Disney can do. Thank you to my husband's work for hooking us up with those tickets - it made my son's day.
And the thing that has caught my attention is something far less glamorous, but far more rewarding to my pocketbook. Coupons! Have they always been around? Did they just get invented? I feel almost ashamed of all of the money that I've waisted over the past years. Today, I saved $61.37 with coupons at the grocery store. And while that is great and probably the best that I've done, my friends are doing better. It's almost like keeping up with the Jones - but in reverse. There is a class that a lady in our community gives that I want to take, but my friends are now at the point that they are spending less than they are saving. Big props to Karina for saving over $97 and spending less than $89. So if you are interested, check out http://www.fistfulofcoupons.com/.
But now its Christmas and with only 2 days left, there is still all the baking, a little shopping and wrapping, and final preparations before Santa can show up at our door. So far only 1 present has been unwrapped from under the tree. Let's hope it stays that way.
Tonight, we go to visit Jeff's Grandma - Jarrett's GG. Hopefully he will perform "Away in a Manger" for her like we practiced. But when a 2 year old is the star of the show - you never know what you will get!
So my New Years Resolution (8 days early) will be to write more and eat less. Exercise? Na! - that can wait 'till 2011.
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