Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Discovering the Star in You

He's 5.  He's not a soccer star, but he thinks he thinks he is.  And that is what is important.

We have done soccer for a few years.  Always fun and pretty laid back.  Most of the time, he is in his own world during game time.  Pretending to be some superhero, or flying a plane.  Practices were always good, learning the drills, following the coach's direction.  This season started out the same way...until he made his first goal during the game.  
That flipped the switch for him.  Now, he IS soccer.  Scoring BIG every game...wanting to win, wanting to score.  Last game, six goals, week before five.

Seeing this transformation in him has really made me see how powerful a "win" is in your life.  It boosts the ego, changes a mindset, ignites faith.  A little success goes so far.  As his momma, I realize how important it is for me to help him get that success.  I can't win for him, but I can celebrate his win.  And when he realizes that he did it:
  • motivation
  • hope
  • faith
  • fun
  • laughter
  • excitement

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Hebrews 11:1 

All I have to do is help see the unseen.
That star that was in him the whole time...once unseen is now seen. 

And that's a BIG WIN!

with love,
Mommy Tam-Tam

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Gaining Wisdom...

This week, I've been given a little wisdom.  Specifically, two thoughts that have kept me from doing....well just about any dream I've had.

1.  Linking Negative Events.  What kept Lewis and Clark motivated and ultimately successful on their mission?  They never linked negative events.  Looking back, I've linked negative things together each day.  Giving them power in my life that they never should have had or even been able to obtain on their own.  It was me, not the event, that held me back.

2.  Favor.  Yes, I have favor almost daily.  Again, how I see it determines how it impacts me.  Most of the time, I pass right over it; not recognizing favor for what it is.  Lucky, coincidence, or just ignorance is many times how things are seen, if they are seen at all.  But its favor and every time I'm thankful for it, appreciate it, it spurs me on to more.

Little things, big things.  Introductions.  Relationships.  Ideas.  Parking spaces.  Hugs.  Insight to hearts.  Smiles.  Friends.  Career.  School.  Memory verses for the Little that remind me of this favor.

O Give Thanks To the Lord, for He is Good. - Psalm 188:1


Who knows, someday that book that I want to read just may be written.

with love,
Mommy Tam-Tam