Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Remember this?

From this post earlier this summer?

Were you wondering what was inside?

It has taken me WAY longer to share this than I had anticipated, but wait no further....

Letter from Grandma Stone

Parent's Magazine 1949
If you know my Grandma Stone, you know she was famous for those black sharpie markers on everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING.

  • Her tupperware were all marked "Doris Stone" in black sharpie.

  • Things were removed from their original packaging and placed in other packaging with the appropriate label in black sharpie.

  • Nothing stayed in its original packaging.  Why it had to be moved, I'll never know.  But I do know that at times, it was a painful lesson to learn for some of us.  Like the time my dad took a big drink out of the apple juice jug without first looking for the black sharpie label of "fish oil".  

Yes, black sharpie = my Grandma Stone.

Looking through this envelope was no fish oil experience however.  It was great.  A letter she had written me, who knows how long ago; and how I got it is still a mystery.  But the letter went on to tell of her birthing story with my dad.  The doctor's name, what she was doing that day, all the little details.  Such fun.  And then, this amazing magazine from 1949.  I subscribe to this magazine today, so it was so cool to think that she read the same magazine I did.  This issue was a gift from the nurse, it was inscribed on the back flap.

Reading this was fun.  Not much has changed in 63 years.

There are still adds for baby food (although I don't think you could find this "flavor" today)

Stroller Envy?  Yep, even in 1949.

Cloth diapers were chic back then (or were they the only option?)

A little friendly competition between parents?  You bet!

And, lastly, one of my absolute favs.....amazing article!

They definitely got this one right!  Makes me sad for the "fatherless generation" we seem to be living in now.

Thanks Grandma Stone for this amazing surprise.  What an amazing treat to stumble across when we were cleaning the garage.    Yes, "the garage".  Fitting.  If you are a Stone, you'll understand.

with love,

Best Buddies

This summer has been filled with so much (which I'm sure will make it here to the blog once things calm down a bit).

But one of the things that fills my heart up is seeing my son with his friends.  He loves seeing them and having fun.  And I love that his friends are all good boys with great families that love God.

Like at our last summer BBQ for our church.  His friends were there and that made his day.

Just look at these boys.  Each of their expressions tells their personality.  Owen, Tanner, Jarrett & Wyatt.  Yes, look at those faces and guard your daughters :)   Actually, PREPARE your daughters - these boys will one day be amazing men of God and the girls God has for them will be extremely blessed cause these Momma's are raising their boys right!

I'm sure that there will be many more pics like these of these 4 friends as they grow up!  I can't wait to see where they go and what they do as they grow up.

Buddies.  Yes, just like David and Jonathan, hearts get "knit together"and that's an amazing gift!

with love,